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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Killing Fields: Warning - Graphic Images

We visited the Killing Fields this morning. This massive memorial is directly at the entrance. It is made up of about 17 levels of skeleton remains, recovered from the mass graves of those killed by Pol Pot, under the Khmer Rouge regime. His reign ended in 1979, when the Vietnamese successfully overtook Phnom Penh.
All the recovered bones and skulls have been preserved. There were over 8000 skeletons found.
The bottom layer of the memorial is made up of the clothes, found in the graves.

As we walked the paths, bone remnants were coming up out of the ground, as well as small pieces of cloth.

Below are photos of some of the prisoners, who were tortured at the S-21 prison, before they were tied and blind folded and taken to be executed.

The sites were horrific and sad - its been a very confronting day.


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