
Hey, its all about me.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Another Weekend, Another 25th

Friday was Olly's 25th.
He was acting all old and shit.
He made fun of my "myspace". Its actually a "Blog", Olly.
Anyway, I've forgiven him and here are some pics from his bday.

Brin is featured far right.
Brin was so drunk, he may have been the highlight of the night.
Doesn't he look happy?
He was acting happy.

My House - In The Middle Of The Block

Here's some photos of my unit, that I took on the weekend.
My blik stickers arrived, and they have brightened up the lounge room wall.
Also - the treadmill now sits in the kitchen. I might get a smaller dining room table - seeing as we all know I rarely cook, I'm also more rarely sitting at the table eating.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Old Quarter Century

About two weeks ago, we all piled onto a bus at 10am.

We headed to the Swan Valley, to celebrate Larissa's 25th!

After much wine consumption, food, beer, chocolate and more wine, we ended up at the Mustang Bar at 5pm.
Hmmm, 5pm - NOT a good time to already be in Northbridge.

Pictured is not Larissa and I, but Helen and I. (Taken at one of the earlier wineries)
My camera stuffed up and I was only able to take ONE photo that day.
Helen is my new house mate, so I guess its about time she features in an entry.
Hi Helen!

ps. Thanks Dannielle for picking me up and taking me to Morgan's 21st. That speech you made, bought tears to my eyes. He later told me that it wouldn't have been the same without us. He was really happy that we'd made the effort to attend.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

24 - Oh, To Be So Young

Sarah turned 24 on Saturday.
So we drank and drank at the Left Bank.
We drank beer, we drank tequila - we ate very little - and felt ill the next day.
5 months till my 25th. EXACTLY.
Thats right, go mark it on your calendars.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Extra Bacon Please

"6 inches is not enough.
i think i need 9 inches.
I SWEAR i've said this before. 12 is too much, 6 is too little. "

This is a direct quote from my email to my dear friend Louise.
Some of you may think BAD thoughts from reading this.
However, let me reassure you - I was talking about Subway Sandwiches.

And I stand my this claim.
They NEED to bring out the 9inch sub.