
Hey, its all about me.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Polar Girl

This is pretty old news, and I may find myself without a room mate, for publishing this.....

Featured to the left, is Helen after she graduated from the Beginner's course at Bobbi's Pole Studio.

Helen, nice kid, amazing pole dancer.
Great room mate and old friend.
Helen, I know you love me.

My New Found Talent

Not long ago, I discovered a new talent.
In fact, it could be my only talent.
Turns out, I'm not too bad at bowling.
Featured is the print out of scores, the first night I played.
Highlighted in green, are my exeptional, winning scores.
Highlighted in pink, are the number of gutter balls that Dannielle managed to score.
Bless her, for trying - and asking for a print out, so I could publish her efforts.
I'm open to competition... Brin, I'm talking to you.

The Record Man

Jeremy plays with records now.
Skater, turned music nerd.

You've really CHANGED, man!