
Hey, its all about me.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Breakfast, Bus, Belvoir

We started with brekkie at J's house. After a few beers and maybe some Passion Pop (still only $4 a bottle~!), the bus took us out to Belvoir. The bus driver was angry, we got a lecture on being the worst group he's ever had... maybe that's an achievement?

J5 and Beastie Boys were the highlights. They both played more old stuff, than new - and the crowd was appreciative. Weather was perfect, the bus driver came back to get us (even though he threatened not to) - it was a memorable day :)

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Muffin Man

I have been advised by Donna (colleague who does most of our coffee runs), that the mango and white choc muffins are gone from Gloria Jeans.
Now I feel guilty that I requested that they stock them.
Clearly no-one bought them. Gloria Jeans made no money. Maybe they even lost money. Who knows.

Who was I kidding when I said I'd buy one a week anyway?
Everyone knows all my disposable income gets spent on clothes, crossword scratchies, eating out (only if I have an Entertainment Book voucher) and other recreational activities.

So anyway, down with muffins - up with sausage rolls.
That's what I say.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Jeremy fell off his skater-board.
He's all bruised up and the injury is starting to weep.
This makes it hard for me to sleep on his right.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

No Photo Post

I usually like to have photos in my updates, but life has been quiet in the lead up to Good Vibrations and not much has taken place.
So here's an update on some happenings:
  • The temporary measure my dentist put over my root canal, crumbled last night - as I was eating FISH FINGERS. I will now be saving to get a crown. Very exciting, saving for dental work....
  • I've decided to cut pilates down to one day a week. I need more time to eat fish fingers, you see.
  • Vogue Forum got a mention in the STM magazine, in an article about Stella McCartney's new range for Target. Go Vogue Forum. Join us - talk fashion, learn how to spot a knock off handbag and get excited about spending all your money on clothes - its the only way to live.

Five days, till 20 of us pile into a bus and head out to Belvoir to see Beastie Boys and Jurassic 5, I shall be sure to report on our adventure shortly :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sand? In My Sandwich?

My lucky day started with my interview going well :)

I then went to meet Helen for lunch and had almost finished - when I noticed the lettuce had cobwebs on in. I pulled out the rest and there was a clump of SAND there!
Helen promptly took my lunch out of my hands and not only got me a refund, but also a chocolate croissant (no sand in there).
THEN, I sat down to do my scratchy and eat the criossant, and I won $10!
THEN, I cashed it in for another scratchy and won $16!

So there you go - it was my lucky day :)